Monday, September 24, 2012

Even Republicans are losing faith

Anna Bernasek 

America has had no shortage of successful businessmen who think national politics will be easy. Many people enjoyed watching the presidential aspirations of Donald Trump. And then there’s Mitt Romney.

Business politicking isn’t for the meek. But that’s small potatoes compared with the real thing. Maybe that’s why Romney has been looking like a rank amateur.

While Americans are divided over who to vote for this November there’s one thing they can agree on: Romney has run a lacklustre campaign.

According to a USA Today/Gallup Poll, almost 60 per cent of Americans expect Obama to win the presidency. Intrade, the widely watched online betting site, tells a similar tale. Romney’s chances of becoming president have been steadily dropping. At present the odds are two to one against him.

The fact that Romney is struggling shouldn’t really come as a surprise. Not long ago we had an agonising series of Republican primaries. From the outset Romney was perceived as a lousy candidate by many within his own party.

The way Romney ultimately gained nomination was essentially brute force: applying more money and more personnel to the process than his rivals could match.

That’s been his current strategy, too. Romney seems to hold an unwavering belief that if he outspends Obama and the economy stays weak, he will win. That’s it, nothing more. He hasn’t offered many specifics, and the vague promises he has made haven’t gained any traction with the public. No matter what has come his way, he’s stuck to that simple strategy. Romney is no improviser.

But Romney’s approach hasn’t worked. In the long presidential campaign, candidates are scrutinised for their political skill, intellect and personal appeal. Time and time again, on those fronts, Romney showed he’s no match for the President. Obama lacks business experience and has a paltry fortune compared to Romney. But when it comes to politics he makes Romney look like a schoolboy.

Remember the last time Barack Obama made a mistake? Most people don’t. It was two years ago, when he was faulted for insulting conservative voters in Pennsylvania when he speculated that bitterness over the economy caused them to cling to their guns or their religion.

Since then Obama has run an absolutely flawless campaign. Romney’s campaign is a different matter, with gaffe after gaffe. It’s reached the point where even other Republicans and fellow conservatives are beginning to distance themselves from him.

The fun started when Romney maintained that “corporations are people”. Trying to elicit sympathy for companies at a time of booming profits and lousy wages didn’t endear him to voters. Then, when he went to London before the Olympic Games to preen over his success in organising the Winter Games in Salt Lake City, he wound up insulting his hosts. A tabloid headline said it all: “Mitt the Twit”. Prime Minister David Cameron helpfully pointed out that organising an Olympics in the “middle of nowhere” is a bit easier than doing it in one of the busiest cities there is.

Next came Romney’s comments relating to the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens during a violent outbreak in Libya. Before he learnt what really happened, Romney attacked Obama for sympathising with anti-American protesters. There was just one problem. Romney’s assertions were blatantly false.

Polls show a large majority fault him for the unseemly attack while those in the know shuddered at the lack of temperament.

And finally a media storm erupted over a leaked video showing Romney telling a group of $US50,000 donors he doesn’t care about 47 per cent of Americans. “Well there are 47 per cent of people who will vote for the President no matter what … so my job is not to worry about those people,” he assured them. Romney went on to explain that the 47 per cent believe they are victims who are dependent on the government and won’t take responsibility for their lives.

Romney’s claim that those 47 per cent don’t pay income taxes was clearly false since all workers pay payroll tax even if they don’t pay other income taxes. And Romney has paid shockingly low taxes himself, so low he’s too embarrassed to release the details. By putting income taxes front and centre with the public, he hasn’t done any favours for his wealthy constituents who enjoy very low taxes compared with many workers.

Read a lot of news accounts and they’ll say the presidential race is still close. But what becomes apparent when you look closer is that Romney is not only behind but losing. The US electoral college system is winner-take-all in most states. The nationwide popular vote is legally irrelevant.

That’s why candidates spend all their money, energy and time on states that are up for grabs. And lately Romney is having trouble in states he must win to have a chance at the presidency. A key trouble spot is Ohio, where Romney is significantly behind Obama.

A Louisiana political candidate in 1983 famously quipped: “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.” Obama is too smart to make that kind of boast, but it seems to apply nonetheless.

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